Hi there. Welcome to my website. Chances are, if you are reading this, you are carrying a heavy burden or dealing with emotional pain. Even though I have not shared the same experiences as you, facing huge obstacles and feeling pain are not things that are unfamiliar to me. In fact, it is part of the human experience for all of us. We feel so vulnerable in these moments because so much is at stake. It’s our tendency to want to move away from these painful experiences and pretend like they don’t exist or that we’re not really going through them. Difficulty and pain are inevitable, but ironically, they are the very things that shape us and can build our character in positive ways when we turn and face the discomfort and allow ourselves to learn from those experiences. It is risky to be vulnerable and to allow others to see us for who we truly are, however, it is the path to happiness and joy.
CouplesOur relationship with our spouse is one of the most important of our life. We love and care about them so deeply that their words and actions carry a lot of weight and impact us greatly. Many things can get in the way of our connection with our partner. My role is to listen to you and your partner to understand what is keeping you from being able to reach for each other in effective ways.
IndividualsAs individuals, we often face personal struggles that get in the way of us seeing ourselves for who we truly are — individuals worthy of love and belonging. Whether you are dealing with depression or anxiety, an addiction, or a painful loss, remaining hopeful and believing in your inherent worth are some of the best ways to keep finding the courage you need to work through your challenges.
Living within a family gives us some of the best opportunities for learning and personal growth. “I raised my kids, and my kids raised me,” is something I have often heard my mother say. The lessons are most often learned experientially, with lots of trials and errors and sometimes heartaches. However, loving and living with a family also provides some of the most joyful times and experiences of love we will ever have.